By JORDAN CASTRO - Dec 7, 2016

Hi everyone. I felt like I should say something before kicking this off, so here is my *official statement* regarding my month here at The Tyranny:
On November 22 at 1:07PM I tweeted “i want to be a fiction or poetry editor somewhere for a month.” At 4:28PM Gian emailed me and said he was “throwing up kind of a bloggiah thing” on the Tyrant website and wanted to have different people edit it for a month at a time.
I like the books Gian publishes, and so I figured, in sticking with the tried and true formula of Tyrant Books thus far, I’d also post writing here that I like. I reached out to some heads and got some new work, and will probably post some excerpts from some books I like too.
I recommend reading this website, and buying the Tyrant Books books.
Thank you,
*UPDATE* I’m going to post everything I publish here, in an organized list, so, in the future, it will be easily accessible *UPDATE*
SONG OF YOURSELF by Kristen Iskandrian
Four-Minute Poem for Mal’s Wedding by Tao Lin
Hollow Points by Andrew Weatherhead
Flowers for Angelika by Nicolette Polek
Deathlord Grows Bored by Blake Butler
Three Excerpts from ‘Squirtgun,’ an unpublished novel by Sam Pink
Two Poems by Precious Okoyomon
Lucky You by David Fishkind
Recurring Intrusive Thoughts by Juliet Escoria
Jordan Castro by Zachary German
Four Poems by Elizabeth Ellen
Two Poems by Michael W. Clune
Four Poems by Kimmy Walters
Interview with Harrison Ford, 2019 by Brad Phillips
Service Industry by Mallory Whitten
Four Poems by Alex Mussawir
excerpt of “Bandit” by Molly Brodak
Road Rage by Scott McClanahan
Poem For A New Year by Kelly Schirmann